thehenards's Reviews


We sold these souped up Thirlpool products for years and stocked them on our retail floor. We only sold the ones that people liked and wanted, but we also sold a far superior product called Heartland. A far better product and stood behind us so we could stand behind our customers. Never a problem with Heartland we could not handle. Elmira I can tell you were problems a not a very well made product. Dealing with these people all these years, there were two ladies that worked there that were pleasant to deal with, Jean and Liz, they were great and got their jobs done. As far as management, Don was always gone, and Brian (Don;s son) was gone evry time we needed to talk to someone in charge, people that worked for him were always making jokes about him being gone so much to the mountains, and they hired some supposedly big wig that thought he knew retail and managment and wanted to tell us how we were going to run our business & how we were going to price our products. and where...

By: thehenards


Elmira, ON



There are two sides to every story. We would be more than happy to discuss our company, our products, and this review with anyone who is interested. 800-295-8498.


I understand there are really three sides to every story, my side, your side and the right side. I appoved this message because i wanted people to understand what they were buying, just as i did when we were selling these products. If there are any untruths in our post, here is where you need to deny them and if there are such, I will amend or show my proof. Ofr course you are going to defend yourself as you should, but so shall I. Tony, continuing to threaten me with lawsuits for speaking my say, does not scare me, so you can quit threatening me, or I will just have to reveal the ones you are sending me now and the ones in the past. I have had my say with you in the past, and I believe that you know that there is no love lost for you. You are wrong, you know it, and just not man enough to admit it, and when the cookie crumbles, I will be there to remind you that, I told you so.

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