russels's Reviews

Repairs done on our house

The contractor didn't do a complete job. They repaired one section of our gutters. They were told by us that there was another spot in the back of the house to complete. They even told us that they would do a full inspection of the entire house.

They forgot to do the back. Now we have to chase them to complete the job. It would have taken them 3 extra minutes to complete the job. Now we will have to chase them for the next 6 months or longer to finish the job.

The guy that answers the phone just gives us attitude and says "It's just like a scratch on a car. Don't worry." He refuses to have them come out and complete the job. In fact, every time we call, he doesn't remember who we are.

This is an example of bad customer service!

They made the mistake and are not willing to own up to it and correct it. It was just three extra minutes. Perhaps they should think before they act.

We will never use this company again!



This client does not sound like any client we know of.It is unfortunate that his concerns could not be met more quickly.
Wondering if he payed for the work ??
Did he request extra work when they were there and after the original request was put in ?Perhaps the work could not be done at the time of the visit.

We have never had a situation whereby if there was an omission that we never returned to finish.

We honor every contract with a 3 year service warranty if the work has been paid for.If our rating with the BBB is checked it is evident that there is no unresolved issues and for the huge volume of work done by us we have less than .0001%issues.

This client seems --very angry -

We receive several hundred calls per month with completion of several hundred jobs his estimation of our service is unusual.

We certainly do not make people wait 6 months -- providing excellent service is our top priority as many of our repeat clients can attest to.

If this is our client we would like the opportunity to rectify this but how can we when there is no name provided -this review is not helpful at all.