catgirl3's Reviews


wouldnt recommend them either as an employer or as a health care provider. Steer clear of them and call someone else if you must. Care only about the almighty buck, not about theyre clients.

By: catgirl3

Realcare Inc

Winnipeg, MB




I just finished reading your derogatory comments about my company.

It is important to note when you make comments about a company, whether they be negative or positive, that you are able to substantiate said comments.

In my opinion, failing to sign your name to these comments shows you are a coward and lack integrity.

If I do not have a response from you by March 23/10, I will be forwarding this on to our Coporate Lawyers who will follow through with an investigation.


Do not even listen to the president and CEO's comments on your review. How is she/he going to find who you are to take to her corporate lawyers? Unfortunately, the internet is free reign to write what you like.

And from the answer from CEO, she/he sounds like a spoiled brat who cant take criticism. Take the criticism and learn CEO.