bodybythomas's Reviews

NAO providing DOMP is a great program

I am a graduate of NAO , I have had 15 years clinical experience as a massage and sports therapist.
Was a very good experience to learn from this school, however if you are studying from distance you better be very disciplined. I did travel to Toronto from Bermuda and was welcomed open arm by the staff and professors to attend class for a day on campus. I was very humbled as many of my classmates were MD and very educated in a variety of backgrounds. Some courses challenged me a lot, others were more easy for me. Through this time with them I feel I have become a better person, and definitely a better therapist over all. I realize, however that opinions are totally subjective, and as with all programs, there are growing pains and always room for way to improve. I feel NAO is great, Dr Pourgol and his staff are fantastic . They continue to improve the curriculum and the subjects are relevant to any practicing health professional today.
If you are passionate and motivated this program I recommend to anyone.

By: bodybythomas

National Academy of Osteopathy

North York, ON