Selynoe's Reviews

Complaint of wrong price

Today I went to Urban Planet and I bought a pair of boots that cost me $ 49.99 and others that cost me $ 39.99, proceed to checkout, the second pair of boots did not have the price and the clerk for convenience passes him the price of the first pair of boots, then the receipt was wrong because the second pair of boots cost $ 39.99 not $ 44.99.After five minutes when I realized the error of the clerk, I go back to the store and I say this, she starts me to say that I have to give my address,phone,name,surname, as if I were to return or exchange the boots when the mistake was or her and who had to give me back my was because he was wrong on the price of the boots...don't understand why I have to give all my date personal when I not made any mistake, I didn't go to change or to return anything, I just wanted that they corrected their error and even over I have to see bad faces, in the end returned me the money that belonged to me but to top it off I had to sign the...

By: Selynoe

Urban Planet - Fairview Mall

Toronto, ON