Piggy1998's Reviews

Given some very poor advice - and...

Unfortunately, I feel compelled to write this review. While the service staff is certainly helpful, it appears, or so the manager will tell you - that they are not properly informed about how ordering of their dresses works. I was given some bad information about a dress I ordered, was absolutely CONVINCED that everything would come in as I had expected, and was then left extremely dissapointed. The dress had construction problems to begin with when it arrived, and it was NOT sized as expected. The onus was left completely up to me to have fully paid for the dress before my concerns would be met. How is that helpful to me? I would have had to make drastic alterations to the dress, and then hope that it turned out the way it should have in the first place! I was given a dress that wasn't as expected, and then basically told, "good luck - hope it turns out okay in the end!" Really? Disappointed that they get to keep your deposit and then just say, "oops, sorry." I wouldn't reccommend this shop - if you have a problem that needs to be fixed - their solutions will benefit them, but unfortunately not you! Off to find a new dress.

By: Piggy1998

Ballett's Bridal

London, ON