MarissaJ's Reviews

So delicious, even carnivores will...

I took my family to try out this restaurant because one of my children is vegetarian. The family came here, worried about how the food would taste as the rest of us are meat lovers.
We had no reason to be worried, however. The food was delicious. Very well seasoned, and nicely prepared, we completely forgot that our meal was lacking meat. We especially recommend the mock steak and curry skewers. Furthermore, the service was good and the staff were quite friendly and accomodating- this restaurant is not only vegetarian but vegan friendly. The only thing is that this restaurant is a bit pricey compared to some other restaurants in the area, but it is still reasonable and far from expensive. We spent $60 as a family of 5.

I highly recommend this and will be coming back again.

By: MarissaJ

Graceful Vegetarian Restaurant

Markham, ON

Avoid this place- very sloppy

My child and her friends took Music History I RCM recently. The main resource for the class was Lynn Harting Ware's book, From Bach to Berstein, which claimed to include the information needed for the exam.
This book was very poorly written. Awkward syntax and grammatical errors made the book very difficult to understand.
There are also typos and spelling errors. Effects is confused with affects, and King Louis becomes King Louise. These are only a few minor errors. Even worse were the factual mistakes, and I encouraged my child to check Wikipedia as opposed to this. As a parent, I am appalled that these students are given such a poor study resource. It seems that even basic spell check was not used in the writing of this book.

Very disappointing.

By: MarissaJ

Ware Academy

Gloucester, VA