BritonHouse's Reviews

Robert Cambell Response

The Briton House Retirement Centre has been providing quality care in North Toronto for over 40 years. We are a family run business and, over the years, have had thousands of satisfied residents and families. At the same time, we take all comments seriously and always strive to improve our service.
It is unfortunate however that while accusations can be made openly in forums such as this, privacy laws prevent us from thoroughly defending ourselves against those accusations.
With respect to these particular comments, made by Robert Campbell, we can say that as a result of allegations made against him by a resident of our facility, pursuant to its obligations under the Retirement Homes Act, Briton House reported the allegations to the Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority and the Police. Mr. Campbell took exception to our actions and the reader should consider this when evaluating his review.
We continue to strive to provide the best possible care to our residents and families.

- Briton House Administration

By: BritonHouse

The Briton House Retirement Centre

Toronto, ON