Avalon1001's Reviews

The Bochner Changed My Life !

I had my Lasik done in 2003 by Dr. Raymond Stein. It was the best thing to ever happen to me. My prescription was -9.00 in both eyes, so I was nearly blind ! The staff took the time to explain everything that was going to happen on the day of surgery and what to expect afterwards. Dr. Stein is gentle and very calming. He's perfect if you're a big chicken like me. Afterwards my eyes were scratchy and squinty for about a day and a half, so I just napped at home and relaxed. Surgery on Thursday, and back to work on Monday. My eyes had been dry for most of my life, so I was told to expect a little extra dryness. No problem, I brought drops to work and they took care of it. About three or four months later I realized that they were back to normal. Now I only need drops once or twice a year during the winter when the air is really really dry. I was told that I might have a higher chance of needing a touchup because of my high prescription, but I'm still 20/20. I was also warned that when I hit the dreaded 40th birthday I would start to lose the reading vision, but that happens without the surgery too. All in all I'd recommend The Bochner to anyone who wants to change their life !

By: Avalon1001

Bochner Eye Institute

Toronto, ON