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A Gift of Time Housecleaning

150-2979 Panorama Drive, Coquitlam, BC
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Business claimed Last updated: Over a year ago
Listed in: Kitchens
About A Gift of Time Housecleaning

A Gift of Time Coquitlam House Cleaning Services can help you get your time back! You are a busy person, you work hard and take good care of your children. Go to full description...

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But no matter how hard you try you can never seem to find enough time. Time to play with your children, time to keep up with your fitness routine, time to work on hobbies and go out with friends. It can be really frustrating to keep on top of maintaining your home as well. It seems like there is a constant list of things that need to be cleaned, over and over and over again. But what if all that house cleaning could be done for you? Think about how much time you could save. A study in Britain brought out that "women spend a year and a half of their lives cleaning their house". Imagine what you could do with a whole YEAR and a half of your life! A Gift of Time House Cleaning will take care of your house cleaning for you. They are Coquitlam and the Lower Mainlands premier cleaning service. Imagine going out for a nice lunch and then coming home to a clean house! Take back your life and Call A Gift Of Time Cleaning today
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