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Omega Laser Therapy

1200 Chomedey, Laval, QC
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Business claimed Last updated: Over a year ago
About Omega Laser Therapy

Laser Therapy for Smoking Addiction - It's simply pressure point therapy, like acupuncture. It's a holistic approach to heal the body. A low level light pulse is directed at points on the face, ears and hands. Go to full description...

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Low-level laser therapy operates on principles similar to the 5,000 year old ancient Asian healing art of Acupuncture. Acupuncture is known to reduce tension, increase circulation, and enable the body to relax more deeply. Laser Therapy treatment is a noninvasive method used to balance the energy flow between meridians. Laser therapy is considered a non-medical procedure. Treatment with low-level laser helps to promote the release of endorphins in the body. Endorphins are natural chemicals in your body that signal your system to decrease stress and increase energy. Omega uses a low powered (soft) laser to treat nicotine addiction. The laser is no more powerful than a 60-watt light bulb. Energy points related to addiction are identified and treated with a combination of a helium neon laser and electrobiostimulation. The entire procedure is external, non-invasive, and non-thermal. Laser Therapy is painless. During the laser treatment energy points on your hands, face, and ears are treated. If a client feels the sensation from the low-level laser, they may feel a warm, pulsating and sometimes-tingling feeling. Some clients may only feel a calming sensation from the laser. The low-level laser acts as a tool to assist the client through the initial physical withdrawals from nicotine. The first 72 hours of quitting is considered to be the crucialdetoxification period. The laser mimics a similar endorphin release for a period of 3-5 days following treatment, which aids in alleviatin
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