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Fairway Divorce Calgary

Suite 311 - 5940 Macleod Trail, S.W., Calgary, AB
1 reviews
Business claimed Last updated: Over a year ago
About Fairway Divorce Calgary

At Fairway Divorce Solutions®, we understand the emotions and uncertainty you are facing when going through a separation or divorce. Go to full description...

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Fairway Divorce Calgary, Calgary Reviews (1)

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By Cyan Snake on Mar 06, 2016
Guest Review

My ex and I have been separated for quite sometime now and we decided to get the divorce finalized. We get along great and have no issues with our grown kids and our finances. We just need to split them fairly and so we came to fairway divorce for the quickest and simplest solution.

Upon meeting our Mediator, (We will refer to him as C) We entered his office. C was very polite and as we listened to him ask questions about our Financial numbers and then tell us about the process for 30 minutes, I finally asked him about the cost to us. He avoided the question completely and began telling us a couple stories about how another couple he was aware of spent 50 000 each on lawyers. I then asked again about the cost and again he avoided the question. I got annoyed and then posed the question again and C got visibly annoyed and literally escorted us out of the office telling us he would not take us as clients. He even made a smart ass comment on the way out as we left.

Thanks to C and his actions, we are just going to do exactly what he was going to do and dived the assets on paper in agreement and take them to a lawyer ourselves saving us probably 10 000+ in Fairway fees.

We still don't know why he wouldn't disclose the "flat fee" if it was as low as he claimed it to be. If there is anyone out there that could post it here, we would love to see it. I have a feeling it is, as the other reviewer says, quite expensive. Due your due diligence and ask questions before signing anything.
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Our proven system helps navigate and educate clients in four main areas of separation: property, child support, spousal support, and parenting. Our expert Negotiators help our clients become empowered, giving them the knowledge, and tools necessary to have successful outcomes from difficult discussions and decisions that must be made.
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