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Victoria Podiatry Clinic

1641 Hillside Ave, 350, Victoria, BC
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Business claimed Last updated: Over a year ago
Listed in: Orthotics
About Victoria Podiatry Clinic

Orthotic Therapy directed by physician based examination and diagnosis. Orthoses are fabricated in accordance with specific pathology as determined by diagnosis provided by specialist in biomechanics and foot pathology. Who made your orthotics and what was their desgn based on? Go to full description...

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Email address: greggcan@gmail
Payment methods accepted: cash, visa, mastercard, personal cheques
Dr.Congdon is a Podiatrist specializing in all aspects of footcare. His trainig includes a BSc in Zoology, Doctor of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery and Surgical Residency. His practice in Orthotic Therapy is based on the Root/Weed model of specific pathology directed fabrication of orthoses. However, in his 25 years of experience, he has learned that many other factors need to be assessed to provide the proper orthoses with the necessary additions and accommodations. These alterations in the devices maybe based on physical findings, Xrays, Ultrasound or other diagonostic testing and again are based on the pathology involved. Another aspect, unique to his treatment, starts with the initial exam which includes determining the full list of activities that the patient is involved in work, play and home. Factors such as floor surfaces at work and home, shoe and sock types, lacing techniques, previous orthotics or over-the-counter inserts are all considered. Dr. Congdon will also address concerns regarding previous orthotics and their effectiveness when prescribing new devices. He strongly feels that patient insight in this regard is an important input in the orthoses development process. Dispensing the orthoses usually occurs within two weeks and Dr. Congdon suggests bringing in a pair of work and play shoes. The conformity of the devices is checked and then gait is analyzed to determine correction. Dr. Congdon prefers to follow up within 4 to 6 weeks of dispensing.
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