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Calgary Confidence & Human Resources Counselling & Assessment

1632 14th Ave NW, Suite 217 , Calgary, AB
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Business claimed Last updated: Over a year ago
About Calgary Confidence & Human Resources Counselling & Assessment

Dr. St. Pierre has more than 20 Yrs' experience as a family therapist, psychologist and mediator using hypnosis, EMDR, CBT, and other methods to help clients overcome relationships issues, addictions and more. Go to full description...

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The main focus of Dr. St. Pierre's services as a Psychologist is in the personal growth areas of marriage, family, mediation, hypnosis and addictions. The greatest impact felt through her work is the resolution of present difficulties, clearing the way for a whole new future. The latest techniques are used, such as Rapid Eye Movement Desensitization (EMDR) are used to clear away feelings of trauma, and shame, inferiority, sexual and physical abuse so that suggestions, often through hypnosis, can be used to build a whole new existence and future.

Clinical hypnosis is used to enhance and build self-esteem. Shannon's greatest strength is her ability to set conditions up so that people are moved beyond emotional blocks, clearing the way for happiness. The emotional blocks which she has effectively dealt with are those listed in the TELUS Yellow Pages ad under Psychologists, and include: anger, fear, psychological and physiological pain, inner childhood issues related to being raised in dysfunctional families, feelings of inferiority and shame, and addictions (drugs, alcohol, sexual addictions, smoking, VLT, and other gambling disorders).

Shannon's greatest passion as a Family and Marriage Therapist is to help people develop and become the leaders. It is with delight that she assists people, often through hypnosis, to develop business projects and ideas to enhance those personal skills that lead to their success.

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