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InVivo Media

4886 Westlawn Drive, Burnaby, BC
0 review
Business claimed Last updated: Over a year ago
Listed in: Website Design
About InVivo Media

InVivo Media is a creative and innovative web development firm that combines a distinct understanding of online marketing strategies with over 10 years experience in the industry. We specialize in custom website design, , e-commerce, social media marketing, SEO and SEM. Go to full description...

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Company Overview

InVivo Media is a creative and innovative web development firm that combines a distinct understanding of online marketing strategies with over 10 years experience in the industry. We specialize in custom website design, website development, e-commerce, web-based applications, social media marketing, email marketing, internet marketing, search engine optimization and search engine marketing.

Our Vision

To be respected & trusted as a world class internet development company delivering exceptional web solutions.

Our Mission

Our mission is to design and develop elegant and affordable web solutions that enable our clients to establish visibility online, increase sales, and improve productivity.


InVivo Media's goal is to provide online solutions that produce sustainable and long term results. Providing quality customer care is essential to the way we do business. By educating our clients and providing them with the right information enables them to make the right decisions. We see it as the best way to exalt our clients satisfaction and confidence in our services.

* Website Design & Development * Brand Design * E-commerce Solutions * CMS * Social Media Marketing * Search Engine Optimization * Search Engine Marketing * Email Marketing

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