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Volante POS Systems

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About Volante POS Systems

Volante represents the next generation in enterprise POS systems for restaurants and the hospitality industry. Developed from the ground up with state of the art technology, Volante point of sale software will meet the most complex demands of diverse users today and well into the future. Go to full description...

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Volante represents the next generation in enterprise POS management systems for restaurants & the hospitality industry. Developed from the ground up with state of the art technology, Volante will meet the most complex demands of diverse users today and into the future. Simple to use, yet extremely powerful, Volante's versatile architecture puts power at your fingertips. Whether it be changing a restaurant menu item or reformatting the layout of corporate reports, Volante's engine gives users the flexibility to customize details to any specification. Volante is developed entirely in pure Java. Given its highly object and network oriented nature, Volante is an excellent choice for a complex hospitality environment. Since Java is the premier language of the internet, Volante thus is able to seamlessly to integrate corporate activity to the powerful features of internet computing. Also, given that Java is a cross platform compatible language, Volante will run on the operating system of your choice. (Windows 2000/XP, Unix, Linux). With incomparable operational capability, a comprehensive feature set, powerful reporting abilities and superior fail-safe data redundancy and data synchronization management, Volante offers an integrated, enterprise POS system solution designed to raise the level of business practice. Discover for yourself why Volante is the most powerful, reliable, and easy to use hospitality & restaurant point of sale system ever!
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