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Finch, North York, ON
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Business claimed Last updated: Over a year ago

We provide our Clients the Information they need to make an informed decision about the Property being inspected in a Clear, Concise and Professional Manner. Proview is dedicated to providing quality home inspection services and brings integrity, professionalism and training to each inspectiion. Go to full description...

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Proview consistently exceeds all industry standards with continuing education and the training necessary to ensure your satisfaction. If you have any questions regarding a particular service, don’t hesitate to ask. Proview performs complete and thorough home inspections, using the latest technology, with no set time limit. We want to assure your understanding, not only of the condition of the home but where to find important components such as the water shut-off, gas main shut off and electrical main in times of emergency. Consider it an introduction to your new home. During the course of a home inspection, hundreds of items need to be checked, some double checked! So the listing below is only a basic outline of what is inspected. Basically we inspect all that is visible; from the foundation to the roof and everything in between!. Proview gives you an independent, unbiased view of any problem and their solutions, so that you will have all the facts you need to make a sound, informed decision. Depending on the size and condition of the home, a thorough home inspection will take no more than four hours, usually completed in three hours. Ideally, you will accompany us during the Inspection, so that you will have visual reinforcement of your written report. We take our inspection reports seriously. Every inspection is a complete and thorough analysis of all the major systems and components in the home. The report includes a clear description of what we’ve found.
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