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dog's den training school

760 Arcola Ave, Regina, SK
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Business claimed Last updated: Over a year ago
Listed in: Pet Training
About dog's den training school

At The Dog’s Den our classes teach dogs valuable life skills that effectively translate into manners at home and in other social environments. Your dog will learn to walk on a loose leash, sit and stay while doors are opened and closed, down stay, go to a target and stay, come when called and learn to keep four on the floor. This is achieved through Barbara Lloyd’s thorough knowledge and understanding of how dogs and people learn. Training your dog at the Dog’s Den will be a fun, positive, rewarding experience for both you and your dog. Go to full description...

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At The Dog’s Den our classes teach dogs valuable life skills that effectively translate into manners at home and in other social environments. Your dog will learn to walk on a loose leash, sit and stay while doors are opened and closed, down stay, go to a target and stay, come when called and learn to keep four on the floor. This is achieved through Barbara Lloyd’s thorough knowledge and understanding of how dogs and people learn. Training your dog at the Dog’s Den will be a fun, positive, rewarding experience for both you and your dog.
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