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Custom Rubber Extrusion

137-1140 Burnhamthorpe Rd W, Mississauga, ON
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Claim this business Last updated: 4 months ago
About Custom Rubber Extrusion

We offer cost saving options to our customers, with a wide range of prices and models to choose from. Our expertise ranges from custom rubber bellows, rubber extrusion, rubber profiles, and rubber seals. Go to full description...

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The first question that strikes the mind of a customer is “How is this company different from another?” We can answer this question in a very easy to understand manner. Here is a step-by-step explanation of why you should prefer our products:- ● Competitive prices- We have dealt with clients from all corners. Our team is proficient in giving you a cost-effective quote. We compare our prices to those of all other Custom Rubber Extrusion manufacturers and then propose them to you. ● Custom rubber bellows- Your industry might have pipes of different diameters, and if you are facing problems regarding availability of bellow exhaust pipes of that diameter, then we are here for you. ● Range of products- We offer you a wide range of products. You can refer to our catalogue to select from EPDM extrusion, rubber gaskets, extruded rubber products, and whatnot. ● Early delivery- You won’t have to remind us of the delivery date and timing again. We have dealt with a variety of emergency orders, and our time round services never lag even by a second. ● Customer satisfaction- You can refer to the reviews and testimonials for further inquiries about our services. We have more than 500 happy clients. So what are you waiting for? Place your order now!
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