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Louis Potters, MD

100 East 77th Street, New York, NY
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Business claimed Last updated: 4 days ago
About Louis Potters, MD

An internationally renowned expert in the treatment of prostate cancer and a recognized leader in the field of radiation oncology, Louis Potters, MD, FASTRO, FABS, FACR holds a leadership role at the Go to full description...

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An internationally renowned expert in the treatment of prostate cancer and a recognized leader in the field of radiation oncology, Louis Potters, MD, FASTRO, FABS, FACR holds a leadership role at the Northwell Cancer Institute and chair’s Northwell’s Radiation Medicine department, providing provide patients with the most advanced and high-quality cancer care available. Dr. Potters has served as a past board member and in other leadership roles for the American Society of Radiation Oncology and other medical societies. He has authored several key national cancer treatment guideline documents for radiation oncology and has been a consultant to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. He has served as a reviewer for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and as a member of the executive committee of the Commission on Cancer. Additionally, he has worked on several panels at the National Quality Forum (NQF) and has served on several committees at the US Department of Health and Human Services. Dr. Potters is a senior editor of Practical Radiation Oncology and on the editorial Board of Oncology and Brachytherapy as well as a member of the Alpha Omega Alpha honor society. Dr. Potters has enjoyed over 32 years of clinical practice, treating thousands of men with prostate cancer. He oversees one of the largest radiation oncology departments with a faculty devoted to excellent patient care, research, and the education of tomorrow’s oncologists. The Smarter Radiation Oncology program for standards, quality and patient experience is recognized nationally and internationally for the high level of care that Northwell’s radiation medicine department provides.
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