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100 N Howard St STE R, Spokane, WA
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Claim this business Last updated: Over a year ago
Listed in: Bathrooms

Lovely Poo Poo is an American startup based in Spokane, Seattle. Since the company's establishment in 2021, we share a strong belief in protecting our planet. It's the only earth, and we believe every Go to full description...

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Lovely Poo Poo is an American startup based in Spokane, Seattle. Since the company's establishment in 2021, we share a strong belief in protecting our planet. It's the only earth, and we believe everyone living here has the responsibility to protect and save it. Toilet paper is one of the necessities in our basic life, and virgin pulp has been the primary raw material in this industry for a long time. However, because of the high demand, deforestation has become more serious. We are fully aware of what human beings face right now in this situation, and we need to take action. Therefore, we choose traditional toilet paper, which is used most frequently, as our target, and change it to a sustainable green alternative – bamboo toilet paper, our signature product. We choose bamboo as our raw material because it can benefit both customers and the environment. On the one hand, it can grow ten to twenty times faster than trees. There is not a strict standard for its growing environment. It does not need to be replanted after being harvested. These characteristics contribute to bamboo being more sustainable as a material. On the other hand, bamboo fiber and heavy investment in paper-making technology are soft but strong. We hope customers won't tell the differences between bamboo toilet paper and the traditional one when they use it.
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