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DFW Superior Drywall Pros

1800 Rogers Rd, Fort Worth, TX
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Business claimed Last updated: Over a year ago
Listed in: Contracting
About DFW Superior Drywall Pros

Drywall repair, Drywall installation, Popcorn removal, Interior Painting, Soundproofing, Insulation, Residential drywall, Commercial drywall Go to full description...

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Dallas-Fort Worth is one of the most congested metropolitan areas in the country, and repairing drywall seams and joints can be a daunting task. That's where DFW Superior Drywall Pros comes in! We have operated our business with over a decade of experience, so you can trust us to get the job done right. Anyone looking for drywall installation in Fort Worth ought to know that there are many types of the drywall on the market, but not all are created equal. Some have better fire ratings than others, some are cheaper to install, and some offer a more aesthetically pleasing finish. Mineral-based drywall is made from earth minerals like chalk and clay. It has good fire ratings, but can be less visually appealing than other types of drywall. Paper-based drywall is made from recycled paper and is the least expensive type of drywall. It has low fire ratings and can be less visually appealing than other types of drywall. Polyurethane-based drywall is made from synthetic materials that burn much slower than mineral- or paper-based drywall.
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