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Anabolics Health

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Business claimed Last updated: Over a year ago
Listed in: Tanning Salons
About Anabolics Health

Anabolic steroids are not the most potent muscle-building compounds in existence. However, these compounds make up for an excellent combination of attributes. In addition, a number of them provide a synergistic effect when stacked together with either testosterone or another steroid compound. Go to full description...

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There are over twenty anabolic steroids that have been approved for human use by the FDA. Some of these steroidal substances (like methyltestosterone) are never used in bodybuilding because severe liver damage becomes a real threat after only short-term exposure to this drug. On the other hand, anabolic steroids like oxandrolone, methenolone acetate, oxymetholone, fluoxymesterone, danazol, and many others can be utilized without any apparent long-term side effects. These drugs find their way into bodybuilding diets frequently because they are inexpensive, readily available, and can be used in bulking and cutting cycles. They are also popular among female bodybuilders because of their relative safety when compared to other drugs. Bodybuilders find this property extremely appealing because it allows excellent increases in size while minimizing extra water retention. The primary drawback is that some types of steroids cannot be aromatized into Estrogen, so there's no added benefit to offset adverse estrogenic effects like gyno, gynecomastia, or high blood pressure. In addition, many more powerful steroids are 5-alpha-reduced, so they cannot cause Dihydrotestosterone-related side effects like acne and male pattern baldness. But these drugs can also hurt cholesterol levels which may lead to unhealthy cardiovascular conditions later in life. Hemosiderosis is another possible consequence of anabolic steroid use because it can lead to excessive iron retention.
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