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8540 Keele St, Vaughan, ON
0 review
Business claimed Last updated: Over a year ago
Listed in: Home Builders
About dependablehandymanca

Dependable Handyman is a service company that treasures its clients. We are a company that started small and has been growing over 15 the years. We are a multi-disciplinary service company that offers the Greater Toronto Area in old properties and new constructions. Our goal is to ensure that you get quality services anytime you hire us. No matter how small or big your project is, trust us to handle it successfully. We have skilled craftsmen that have the necessary expertise and experience to solve various housing needs. Our extensive knowledge and vast experience enable us to design and provide solutions that enhance the living or working spaces of our clients. Go to full description...

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Dependable Handyman is a service company that treasures its clients. We are a company that started small and has been growing over 15 the years. We are a multi-disciplinary service company that offers the Greater Toronto Area in old properties and new constructions. Our goal is to ensure that you get quality services anytime you hire us. No matter how small or big your project is, trust us to handle it successfully. We have skilled craftsmen that have the necessary expertise and experience to solve various housing needs. Our extensive knowledge and vast experience enable us to design and provide solutions that enhance the living or working spaces of our clients.
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