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TriStar Bin Cleaning

1031 Lake Colonial Dr, Arrington, TN
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Business claimed Last updated: Over a year ago
Listed in: Maids
About TriStar Bin Cleaning

Cleaning Services, Pressure Washing Services Go to full description...

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Today: 9:00am - 9:00am
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"Trash can cleaning is a nasty job and nobody wants to do it. We have lot of things that need to be cleaned regularly–our cars, sinks, toilets, clothes, dishes, kids, pets…the list goes on. We clean these things for a number of reasons and there are products designed specifically for our different cleaning needs. With all that in mind, when was the last time you really cleaned your smelly outdoor trash cans and/or recycle bins? Think about all the things that you put in your garbage can before you roll it to the curb on trash day. Do you have kids in diapers? Do you pick up after your dog? Do fast food containers and food scraps ever make their way into your trash? We often store trash cans in the garage, near our back door for easy access and they all have the same problems–bacteria, mold, viruses and bugs. They smell awful! We use them daily. Somebody has to touch that nasty lid every day. Then, the truck comes to pick up the trash. That cloud of dust that billows up when your trash is dumped in the back of the garbage truck? All that grossness blows right back into your trash bin. Our cans get cross-contaminated with all the other cans that have touched that truck on the route ahead of us. A study done by the Hygiene Council found that the insides of our empty trash bins have up to 411 bacteria per square inch.
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