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MissArtistico - Henna By Vijeshri

3695 Kaneff Crescent, Mississauga, ON
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Business claimed Last updated: Over a year ago
About MissArtistico - Henna By Vijeshri

MissArtistico - Henna By Vijeshri is a professional and creative henna (Mehndi) artist based out of Mississauga, Ontario. Currently providing service in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Vijeshri Mistri has over 10 years of experience providing intricate henna designs. Go to full description...

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They say to be a creator you need to be creative. Vijeshri Mistri a born gifted artist whose passion for Heena developed at such a young age at 10 Years. At a young age, Vijeshri knew she had a creative side. This led her to discover her dream which is now called by the name MissArtistico. MissArtistico is founded by Vijeshri in order to pursue her passion and dedication in doing Henna. She has been awarded 1st prize during her early career life. A self taught designer henna artist has been tracing beautiful henna designs for over 10 years and have expertise in sketching intricate henna designs. Apart from being a Henna Artist she is a Graphic Designer by profession. Based at Greater Toronto Area she is one of the preferred artists of the Town with extensive experience of 10 years. She prefers to use only natural ingredients to get the darkest stain. She sits cross-legged for five to nine hours as she examines the fine lines and shape of a bride’s hands, gently squeezing the tip of a henna cone and drawing designs and patterns freehand. While sketching the designs she takes care of minute details in the design and gives you the perfect look. It’s a task that involves precision and patience.
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