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Toronto Niagara Falls Tour

386 Watline Avenue, Mississauga, ON L4Z 1X2, Canada, Mississauga, ON
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Business claimed Last updated: Over a year ago
Listed in: Bus Tours
About Toronto Niagara Falls Tour

Niagara Bus Tour is a part of Airlink Tours & Limousine Services group. As the name suggests, Niagara Bus Tour (Niagara Falls Bus Tours) offers daily luxury sightseeing bus tours from Toronto to Niagara Falls. We are based in the Toronto International Airport Area. Go to full description...

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Places That You Can Visit During Toronto Niagara Falls Tour All tourists who visit Canada also mostly visit Toronto and those who visit Toronto make sure to go for the Toronto Niagara Falls Tour. Since Niagara Falls is one of the most beautiful destinations in the world, it automatically becomes travellers loved places to visit. Visiting the Niagara Falls gives an ultimate pleasure and happiness to everyone for it leaves great memories to share with many. Journey from Toronto to Niagara Falls by road takes one and a half hours and the same time from Niagara Falls to Toronto. In total, a bus tour or private vehicle tour takes a total of 9 to 9-1/2 hours. Describing the Niagara Falls To briefly describe the Niagara Falls, it is a combination of three waterfalls surrounding the International border between the Canadian province, Ontario, and the American State of New York. The largest of the three waterfalls are on the Canadian side, which is Horseshoe Falls. The water flows down from almost 50 meters of height, and more than one lakh cubic centimetres of water is released every minute. The Hornblower Cruise Ride Do not miss the Hornblower Cruise ride although you may miss out visiting the above places. The Hornblower Cruise ride allows the tourists to view the Niagara waters very closely from the boat giving a breathtaking view plus fun.
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