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Prime Dental Grand Prairie

2580 W Camp Wisdom Rd., Suite 300, Grand Prairie, TX
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Business claimed Last updated: Over a year ago
About Prime Dental Grand Prairie

A tooth extraction involves fully removing one or more of your natural teeth. Extractions are always done to improve your dental health and prevent future oral health problems. While we aim to preserv Go to full description...

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A tooth extraction involves fully removing one or more of your natural teeth. Extractions are always done to improve your dental health and prevent future oral health problems. While we aim to preserve and save as many natural teeth as possible, there may come a time when the best option is to simply remove a tooth. We are able to do a variety of different extractions in our office in a comfortable, safe manner. To determine if an extraction is needed, we will examine your teeth and create a personalized treatment plan. We work to preserve damaged teeth as much as possible, and once removed, we can help in replacing the missing teeth if needed. If you need to have a tooth removed, it is often best to have the extraction procedure done as soon as possible. This prevents further damage to your oral and dental health as a result of leaving the tooth in place. The procedure begins with anesthetic that is used to numb one area of the mouth. We then use special dental instruments to loosen and then lift the compromised tooth. Sutures can be placed to close the gums, but they aren’t necessary for all extractions. You will bite down on gauze to stop any bleeding before leaving the office. We provide you with important care instructions that must be followed to prevent any post-operative complications. If needed, we can work on replacing the missing tooth once the area has been given time to heal.
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