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Receive Jail Calls On A Cell Phone | Fedphoneline

1183 Barton Street East, P.O. Box 47587, Ontario, Hamilton, ON
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Business claimed Last updated: Over a year ago
About Receive Jail Calls On A Cell Phone | Fedphoneline

FedPhone line is a telecommunications service that allows loved ones to save money on expensive long distance calls by providing local virtual numbers to call instead of making long distance calls. Each month your loved one will spend 50-80% less allowing you to talk for longer for less! Go to full description...

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It is never easy when a loved one is in jail. The emotional and financial upheaval that follows affects everyone involved. Prison rules do not permit you to call inmates. Inmates can use a payphone to call approved phone numbers. Problems With Jail Calls When an inmate makes collect calls through the prison system, you accept the charges and pay them with your monthly phone bill. You will need a landline as cell phones do not allow collect calls. If your loved one is incarcerated in a different area code, the collect call will be a long distance call. A long distance call from prison can inflate your phone bill considerably as prison service providers charge per minute per call and a connection fee with every call. If you have only a cell phone, you cannot receive calls from jail. How To Receive Jail Calls On A Cell Phone Prepaid collect calling accounts and debit calling accounts are two ways by which you can receive jail calls on a cell phone. Prepaid Collect Calling The prepaid collect option allows you to set up a prepaid calling account for your phone. Every time a collect call is received by the prepaid number, the charges are deducted from the account. Prepaid collect accounts can be set up for all types of phones, including cell phones. As long as there is balance in your account, you can receive jail calls on a cell phone.
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