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2651 Xavier St, Denver, CO
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Business claimed Last updated: Over a year ago
About Truckster

Truckster has access to 1000s food trucks and local breweries throughout the USA. Choose from different cuisines or search by location to find a food truck near you! Go to full description...

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After running a food truck for four years, it became apparent that food trucks and consumers need a better way to connect. Few consumers are willing to follow multiple food trucks to find their locations, while food trucks are continuously on the move, creating a difficult environment for the love affair to work. Throw breweries into the mix and it becomes increasingly hard to plan a day that includes one of your favorite breweries and trucks. Enter Truckster, your hub for everything food trucks. We love the food truck movement and how it is constantly evolving, delivering creative, delicious food that is accessible to everyone, all through a unique experience. Our goal is to be a tool that helps grow the food truck industry and the culinary joy it brings. Whether you are traveling to a new city, in an unfamiliar part of your home city, or are just a foodie on the go, Truckster will elevate your food truck experience.
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