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Kingswood Builders Group Ltd

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Business claimed Last updated: 11 months ago
About Kingswood Builders Group Ltd

Our company was founded on the dissatisfaction of two contractors who sought to find better roofing options in the Port Coquitlam and Vancouver areas. Unable to find a roofing company in Vancouver that could deliver the results they were after, they decided to create their own and thus was born Kingswood Builders Group. Through our experience, ingenuity, staff and superior products, we are able to create a roofing experience like no other company in the Lower Mainland and that is why homeowners and businesses have raved about our services on social media and contractor review sites. From our founding to today, we have set our sights on building a company that is grown organically, that is, through customers who tell their friends about their experience and recommend our services. This makes it easier for us in the long run since we hardly need to advertise our services and the results speak for themselves. Go to full description...

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Our company was founded on the dissatisfaction of two contractors who sought to find better roofing options in the Port Coquitlam and Vancouver areas. Unable to find a roofing company in Vancouver that could deliver the results they were after, they decided to create their own and thus was born Kingswood Builders Group. Through our experience, ingenuity, staff and superior products, we are able to create a roofing experience like no other company in the Lower Mainland and that is why homeowners and businesses have raved about our services on social media and contractor review sites. From our founding to today, we have set our sights on building a company that is grown organically, that is, through customers who tell their friends about their experience and recommend our services. This makes it easier for us in the long run since we hardly need to advertise our services and the results speak for themselves.
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