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Coding Pixel

2627 Rosevine Ln, Santa Rosa, CA
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Business claimed Last updated: Over a year ago
Listed in: Website Design
About Coding Pixel

Coding Pixel is well known software development company in USA, we have a team of professionals of designers, developers and mobile app developers. Go to full description...

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Coding Pixel is a software development company that unleashes the creative genius inside you. Coding pixel’s design team translates your idea into a beautiful layout design, robust platform and a user experience that leaves everyone spell-bound. Software development companies have a very dense footing in the market. You might have come across companies that boast about their ability to bring your “ideas to life” or have “vision to achieve greatness”. At coding pixel, our actions speak louder than words! We pride ourselves for reasons that are practical in nature. With a team of 350 strong and expanding, our company has on board the most hardworking and intellectual developers you can find. From graphic design support to almost all kinds of applications, mobile and PC, we incorporate the latest in trending technologies that give your business model the online platform it deserves. We provide all kinds of software solutions whether it be an e-commerce site, social media application, networking platforms, sports analytics and much, much more. Using innovative process modeling, the likes of agile and scrum for example, we prioritize our work, not based off of the scale or cost, but rather on commitments that are mutually agreed upon. Our work history is reminiscent of the fact that we go an extra mile in delivering the best user experience. Suffice to say, your partnership with coding pixel will be an unforgettable experience.
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