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Greater Boston Off Leash K9 Training

59 W Dedham St #180693, Boston, MA
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Business claimed Last updated: Over a year ago
About Greater Boston Off Leash K9 Training

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Off-Leash K9 Training, LLC is one of the highest rated dog training businesses in the United States! With over 115 locations nation-wide, we are the fastest growing dog training company in the world. That being said, we're proud to bring it to the Greater Boston area! We offer several different packages in order to give clients the opportunity to decide what program best fits their lifestyle. Our training technique is designed to work for dogs of all ages, breeds and sizes! The Off Leash K9 Training system is a proven system that changes both owners’ and canines’ lives for the better. Our company is made up of handlers with experience and training ranging from different branches in the military to rescue and shelter volunteers, and even former veterinarian technicians. We guarantee a 100% obedient, 100% off-leash, and 100% distraction-proof pup at the end of our program! Your dog will be trained to have the same level of obedience as most police/military working dogs. Working mainly with household pets, we are able to offer you and your pet an exceptional level of obedience, which allows you to bring them anywhere and everywhere with you, hassle-free. What we enjoy most is seeing dogs that have spent their whole life on a leash, now being 100% off-leash and obedient! We thrive off of seeing the joy in both the dogs’ and the owners’ face when they have mastered a new command without the restriction of a leash.
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