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Pacific Solstice

23461 S. Point Dr, Suite #340, Laguna Hills, CA
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Business claimed Last updated: Over a year ago
About Pacific Solstice

Created, owned, and operated by licensed mental health professionals with decades of personal recovery who have the expertise to help you get to the underlying issues that are at the heart of your addiction. Go to full description...

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We not only have survived our own personal issues with addictions, but we have advanced graduate degrees in psychology and over 20 years experience as licensed mental health professionals treating addictions and other mental health issues. If you or your loved one is looking for help for an addiction, we imagine that you would want to find a treatment facility where they not only understand you on a personal level and can relate to your troubles with addiction, but they also have the education, training, and experience to really treat your addiction issues as medical professionals and all of the underlying mental health issues. This is why Pacific Solstice is unique and the absolute best treatment center in Orange County. Our owners and founders not only come from and have survived their own personal struggles with addiction, but have also seen the struggles of many of their friends and family who have struggled with addiction and other mental health issues as well. And even more, they have over 20 years of experience working in the mental health and addiction fields. They both have been licensed for almost 20 years. Where else can you find a rehab whose owners and founders have such a personal knowledge, as well as the professional knowledge? Lastly, they happen to be the warmest and kindest people who created a treatment center where all of the staff and clients feel immediately close, safe, and at home.
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