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Detailed Maids

2300 Yonge Street, Suite 1600,, Toronto, ON
0 review
Business claimed Last updated: Over a year ago
Listed in: Maids
About Detailed Maids

Detailed Maids is a Toronto based family-owned business providing house cleaning services. Our focus is on Details, Quality, Consistency, Efficiency and Reliability. Go to full description...

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Today: 8:00am - 5:00pm
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Payment methods accepted: cash, visa, mastercard, american express, discover, debit card, personal cheques
Detailed Maids is a house cleaning company that focuses on Details, Quality, Consistency, Efficiency, Reliability and Honesty. The company was founded in January, 2017 by a lady who has had many years of cleaning experience working for high-end house cleaning corporations as Quality Assurance Manager and Customer Service Representative. So, after a numerous years of experience she decided to take all her knowledge and create a company that has both high-end quality cleaning service and very knowledgeable customer service representatives. When you call Detailed Maids, you are able to speak to someone who did the house cleaning themselves and who understands your needs and concerns. Someone who has the expertise to answer all you questions. Why is that important? Because we want to help you save your time while searching. Capture everything you need by calling only one house cleaning company -> Detailed Maids.
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