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The Evergreen at NorthPoint

13037 Bel-Red Rd, Suite #102A, Bellevue, WA
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Business claimed Last updated: Over a year ago
About The Evergreen at NorthPoint

Evergreen employs an outpatient model for treatment. What does that mean to you? Go to full description...

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Well, an inpatient rehab treatment is probably closer to what most people know as simply "rehab." These are full-time treatment facilities in which people live on a campus of sorts for the entirety of their treatment. This is an effective model for those whose addiction is severe and for whom self-control is a serious problem. They forcibly remove temptation by simply putting you in an environment free of any substances to abuse. But that sort of model isn't appropriate for everyone. Inpatient rehab involves a complete removal of yourself from your everyday life - including your home, job, and family. There are a large number of people who need treatment, but simply can't sacrifice their personal or professional lives for months at a time to get it. Outpatient rehab is a form of rehab that delivers that same behavioral therapy and holistic treatment that makes inpatient therapy successful, but then at the end of your treatment, you get to go home and resume your normal life. It is a form of rehab frequently used to "step down" from a more intensive inpatient program, or for people whose addiction isn't quite as severe. Outpatient rehab can be more taxing on a patient's self-control, but that's why one of the most important parts of treatment is cognitive-behavioral therapy,which helps you recognize and cope with with the situations that cause you to use.
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