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Ddong Ggo

528 South Western Ave, Los Angeles, CA
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Claim this business Last updated: Over a year ago
About Ddong Ggo

Korean BBQ refers to the Korean method of grilling beef, pork, chicken, or other types of meat. Such dishes are prepared at the diner's table on gas grills that are built into the center of the table itself. Most diners enjoy doing their own grilling at the table. Cooking time varies between meats. Go to full description...

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Korean BBQ refers to the Korean method of grilling beef, pork, chicken, or other types of meat. Such dishes are prepared at the diner's table on gas grills that are built into the center of the table itself. Most diners enjoy doing their own grilling at the table. Cooking time varies between meats. Thin cuts such beef tongue, beef brisket only requires less than one minute on each side, and more thicker meats like beef sirloin, pork bellies require about 2 4 minutes per side. Intestines require 5 10 minutes on each side since it needs to be cooked thoroughly. Once your meat is ready to be enjoyed you can dip it into one of our sauces and eat it. Sesame Sauce (mixture of sesame oil, rock salt, and black pepper) goes well with pork bellies, Brisket Sauce (sweet soy based sauce garnished with garlic and jalapenos) goes well with beef brisket and other beef meats. Another way to enjoy your meat is to wrap the meat with lettuce and add Bean Paste Sauce (blend of fermented soybean paste and spices), piece of garlic and eat it! REAL AUTHENTIC KOREAN FOOD TO ENJOY WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY!! WE'VE CREATED THE PERFECT COMBINATION OF FLAVOR AND VALUE! 100% BLACK ANGUS, AMERICAN STYLE KOBE MEAT, QUALITY GUARANTEEf
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